Friday, 28 September 2012

Winnipeg's Finest

As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve decided to host my own talk show on Red River Radio. 

Winnipeg’s Finest
Winnipeg’s Finest gives you the opportunity to get to know the different and interesting folks who walk the streets of Winnipeg. Our talk show has a variety of guests from fashion designers, to photographers, to young entrepreneurs. There`s a lot of talented people in this world to get to know, so why not start with the people in your own backyard?

Winnipeg’s Finest will be streaming live every Monday from 5PM-5:30PM, on, starting October 1st. For those of you with iPhones, soon you will be able to stream all Red River Radio shows directly to your phone! Be sure to visit the website for more details. 

October 1st Guest: Dee Karpa - Fashion Designer from Croatia!

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Busy Busy Bee

So, on top of the work from my major,and 4 mandatory courses, and 4 electives, and working on my MASSIVE Red Dress Gala IPP (designers, models, sponsors, promotions, videos...), and working two part time jobs, and trying to keep a tidy apartment, and keeping up with friends, and working on being heathy, and frantically looking for places to stay during my first internship.....I've decided to host my own radio show once a week, starting October 1st. Details coming soon!

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

The Road Ahead

This year is going to be a year of change, excitement, growth, and adventure...or so I hope. 

It’s my final year at Red River College and I’ll finally get to graduate from a post-secondary institution. Although, I do still have a few credits left to take at The University of Winnipeg, but I’ll worry about that later. 

There are a number of things I’m looking forward to this year, but here are the top five:

1.       My Red Dress Gala & Fashion Show
2.       Graduation day
3.       Completing two internships
4.       My 25th birthday (not too sure how I feel about this yet)
5.       Travelling

Yes I’m excited for the above five things, but the one thing I really want to make sure happens, is that I squeeze in as much travelling as possible. I didn’t go on one single trip last year, unless you count Grand Forks...which I don’t. Travelling is something I’ve always planned to do a lot of and its current standstill just isn’t cutting it anymore. I’ve been to many places across Canada, and was fortunate enough to venture out to Europe and Florida, but it’s time to keep the ball rolling. I even bought some cute luggage recently, to inspire me to do so.

So where do I want to travel to in the next year and a half? We’ll....I’ll tell ya...

November/December- Hopefully I end up in either Toronto or Calgary for my first three-week internship

February – A couple of us have been talking about possibly going to Las Vegas during reading week, so I really hope we can make this happen, as I’ve missed this opportunity many times already

April/May – My second internship shall be out of town as well. Also, last year some of the CreComm grads went on a trip to L.A. and I thought it would be nice to organize an end-of-the-year Crecomm trip for some of us 2013 grads...but we’ll see. 

June – My gal pal Kayla and I have been talking about going on an all inclusive trip to Cuba, Jamaica, or anywhere! If I’m lucky, this will be the time to do it!

December- My mom and I have only travelled together twice and we’ve both wanted to go to New York for Christmas. Next year just might be our year.

So many things to look forward to, and I can’t wait to share my experiences!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Big Brother Meet & Greet

On Thursday night my roommate and I were fortunate enough to go to The Ranch Saloon to meet three players from the hit reality T.V. show, Big Brother. Hundreds of fans gathered to see Evel Dick Donato, Janelle Pierzina, and Porsche Briggs in the flesh. 

Big Brother has been around for 12 years and although I haven’t had the opportunity to watch every season, Evel Dick is by far my favourite player of all time. His ruthless, hilarious, strategic, direct, and fearless attitude, lead him and his estranged daughter Danielle, to the final two houseguests at the end of season 8, with Dick as the final winner!

For anyone who watches the show but hasn’t seen season 8, I highly recommend you get online and have a look. In my opinion, it was the most eventful season of Big Brother, yet. 

Here is one of my favourite clips:

*Offensive Language

After Dick, Janelle, and Porsche did their introductions, the venue started playing the live eviction episode of the current season, on the screens all around the room. I can’t even describe to you all how cool it was to be watching Big Brother with my favourite former houseguest, Dick, Janelle (voted out of this season a few weeks ago) , who wasn’t necessarily in my good books, but who is definitely a fierce competitor, and Porsche....the ultimate floater!  (only those who watch the show will get that reference)

It was great to hear all of their comments about the current season, but what was even greater was hearing all the gossip and behind the scenes off that you don’t see or hear on the show. 

For example:

1.       Brendan offered to pay Shelley $10,000 to vote for Rachel to win the game (season 12)
2.       Wil had hair extensions in the whole time(current season)
3.       Jen and Nick were sleeping together after their season (season 8)
4.       Danielle and Jen are currently friends (season 8)
5.       There are staff in the diary room who give the guests hints as to what’s going on behind their backs, so they can comment on it (all seasons)
6.       A viewer called the police after Jen was burned by Dick’s cigarette, and CBS had to show the police the clip to show what went on(season 8)

Not all extremely interesting, but some definitely caught my attention. 

It was such a great night, and I still can’t believe I had the opportunity to meet these people. Thanks Anita for sharing this experience with me!